
The Roger Williams University community understands that any instance of sexual violence affects the entire community and, 像这样, 致力于教育和支持学生, staff, 和教师就第九条的主题和问题进行讨论. 为了支持这一点,香港大学已指派. 张丽娟(jstanley@rwu).edu)作为其第九条协调员. The Title IX Coordinator's office is located on the 1st floor of the Center for Student Development Building.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to the Higher Education Act of 1965 ensures that, “在美国,任何人不得, 以性别为基础, 被排除在…之外, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”


The Roger Williams University Title IX website serves as a resource for all members of the university community. Here you will find information regarding campus policies, 获取帮助的资源, 如何创建文件报告, 以及教育项目和活动.


按此: 在线提交报告




Please view the tabs on the left and below for other reporting options and important resources for 支持 (such as local police and confidential Counseling and 卫生服务 支持).

RWU的第九条办公室, 与大学伙伴合作, has responsibility for coordinating the University's efforts to comply with and carry out its duties under Title IX, which prohibits sex and gender-based discrimination and promotes violence prevention. We serve the University through our commitment to living, 学习, and working in an environment free from sex and gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct.

RWU第九条工作队的作用是 审查与第九条相关的校园气候问题. 该组织被指控 examining policies, procedures, publications, and web presence; and strategizing campus wide education, related programming and awareness raising efforts. The group meets monthly, or as needed, based on trends and issues.



Hannah Ilagan,合规官/ Title IX & 标题六调查员

Kiki Jacobs, Director of 体育运动, Intramurals and Recreation


Lorraine Lalli, Associate Dean of 学生生活 and Operations, 法学院

Amy Lanoie,人力资源部招聘经理


丽莎·莱昂斯,学生行为主管助理 & 解决冲突


总法律顾问办公室的Rachel Nuzzo

戴安娜·普罗托,学生行为主管 & 解决冲突

Kelly Thompson, Head Coach Women's Bball / Sr Woman Admin & 合规管理协调员



一个类似的学生第九条委员会 meets regularly (approximately 3-4 times per semester) with the purpose of exploring issues related campus climate and violence prevention. The student committee makes recommendations related to resources, 支持, and campus wide education and awareness raising efforts.  如果你有兴趣加网赌的十大网站生委员会, 请致电401-254-3123与第九条办公室联系.

怀孕了 & 教育学生

Roger Williams University is committed to 支持ing pregnant and parenting students through the course of their studies. Information about your pregnancy will be treated confidentially and sensitively on a need to know basis.  Any student who needs 支持 or accommodations is encouraged to contact the following offices for additional information:



学生办公室 & 家庭援助:



Roger Williams University recognizes that some current members of the campus community may prefer to identify themselves by a first name other than their legal first name. 出于这个原因, the University provides students with an opportunity to use a “Chosen Name” where possible in the course of University business and education.

根据网赌的十大网站的命名政策, students may designate a chosen or preferred first name in addition to the legal name. Students may request the use of a chosen name online via RogerCentral. In some instances, the University is legally required to use Legal Names. Such instances include but are not limited to official transcripts, 注册/学位验证, 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA), 税收文件, 工资单和移民文件. However, whenever reasonably possible the University will use Chosen Names.

The University reserves the right to remove a chosen name or deny the usage of a chosen name if the University determines at any time that it is inappropriate in nature.

Chosen names used as misrepresentation or fraud will be handled pursuant to University policies and procedures and may result in disciplinary action and/or referral to law enforcement.

点击这里查看全文 RWU选择名称策略