

The Safe Zone program at Roger Williams University is offered by the QTRAC & 跨文化中心 as a way to increase awareness and acceptance of our lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 无性, 泛性的, 酷儿, 变性人, 性别错乱, 双性人学生, 教师, 和工作人员.

Jamie Wire, the Assistant Director for Queer and Trans Initiatives, will respond to all requests. If you have any questions regarding the program, do not hesitate to contact Jamie at or (401) 254-3591.

There are three tiers to the Safe Zone program at Roger Williams University. Please note that you cannot register for the second or third tiers until you have completed the first.


这一层将重点讨论基本定义, 条款, 以及与酷儿和跨性别文化相关的概念. Participants in this tier will gain foundational knowledge about 酷儿 and trans life, 身份的发展, 以及如何成为盟友. Participants will also receive tools and resources to help create more inclusive spaces.


  1. Participants will gain a general understanding of the terminology associated with sexual identity, 性认同发展, 性别认同, 以及跨性别认同的发展.
  2. Participants will gain a general understanding of the differences between 性别认同 and sexuality.
  3. 参与者将理解异性恋, 恐同症, and transphobia as social constructions and tools of oppression.
  4. Participants will learn how they can be allies for the 酷儿 and trans communities through action steps they can take in their classrooms, 同辈群体, 以及校园社区.


This tier will provide in-depth knowledge and awareness of issues faced by the 酷儿 and trans communities and will focus on how to become effective advocates. Participants in this tier will also have the opportunity to self-reflect, and critically examine societal issues faced by members of the 酷儿 and trans communities.


  1. Participants will examine issues prevalent in the 酷儿 and trans communities.
  2. Participants will enhance communication skills to combat heterosexism, 恐同症, 以及社会中的跨性别恐惧症.
  3. 参与者将研究异性恋的实例, 恐同症, and transphobia within our current culture and learn how they could intervene.
  4. Participants will learn how to advance in their ally development and work towards becoming advocates for social change for the 酷儿 and trans communities.

Tier 3 - Gender Identity 101: Supporting our Trans Siblings

This tier provides education and awareness about issues related to the 变性人 community. Participants in this tier will learn how to serve as allies to the trans community.


  1. Participants will explore the experiences of the trans community as well as the institutional and structural obstacles they face.
  2. Participants will learn ways in which they can become better allies for the trans community.
  3. Participants will gain tips and tools on how to create safe spaces for those within the 变性人 community around campus.