
Roger Williams University offers individualized advising and guidance for students and alumni planning for a career in the health professions after they graduate. Most of these careers require a graduate degree and have rigorous and competitive standards for their applicants. Our Pre-Health program assists students throughout their undergraduate career and beyond, 从选课和职业探索开始, continuing with support around gaining required clinical and extracurricular experience, and culminating with 1-1 support through the application process.

在RWU Pre-Health注册

是什么让RWU Pre-Health与其他项目区别开来?

穿着医疗助理服装的学生.随着对知识的需求日益增长, 移情医疗服务提供者, it has never been a better time to consider a career in the health professions. Whether you are interested in becoming a physician or physician assistant, 理疗师物理治疗师或职业治疗师, 或者还在探索你的道路, RWU Pre-Health是你的社区. At RWU you will benefit from 1-1 pre-health advising from both experienced faculty and the Director of the Pre-Health program from the moment you step on campus. That support continues through your time at RWU and beyond – many applicants nationwide will apply to these graduate programs after the completion of their bachelor’s degree, 校友的支持是我们项目的一大好处.

Key Components and Advantages of the RWU 学前健康专业咨询

  • 一个学生在实验室里检查一个培养皿要么得B.S. 还是B.A. degree in a complementary field of study while completing requirements which prepare students for future graduate and professional programs in the health professions.
  • Benefit from dedicated advising to ensure that you complete all the necessary requirements for your chosen pre-health program.
  • 接受个性化的, 1:1 support for career exploration and experiential learning (internships, 合作社, 专业的阴影, research opportunities) in health-related fields through our Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD).
  • Access faculty advisors with specializations in mental and behavioral health tailored for students interested in Clinical and Counseling Psychology and Social Work.

