

After working full time doing electrical work 教舞蹈, Mekbul Tahir will graduate from 网赌的十大网站’s 电气学徒计划 and hopes to one day own his own business.

外面的Mekbul Tahir的头像.

普罗维登斯,R.I. – As a child growing up in Ethiopia, Mekbul Jemal Tahir recalls fixing radios and tinkering with wires. He also grew up a dancer, a student of the Acogny technique of African contemporary dance.

After leaving home in search of more opportunities to perform and teach dance, 塔希尔最终降落在罗德岛. 晚些时候, when he began looking for another way to support himself and his family, 他说 he decided to turn his childhood curiosity about all things electrical into a career as an electrician. He began working on residential and commercial facilities for a developer and searching for an educational program that fit his needs. 他发现,与 电气学徒计划 at Roger William University’s 网赌的十大网站 from which he is graduating this month. 

当他完成严格的教育计划时, 塔希尔继续全职从事电气工作. He said he appreciated being able to apply the theory and knowledge about electrical codes from the classroom to his everyday work. Although he was surprised at first by how difficult some of the mathematical concepts were, 他的教授们帮助他度过了这些挑战.

“每个老师都有自己的风格,”塔希尔说. “I was able to ask them about electrical codes, and they were happy to respond. 我们谈到了实地工作和他们的经历.”

In addition to working as an electrician and raising two daughters, 现在分别是6岁和13岁, Tahir has taught dance throughout the four-year 电气学徒计划. “很艰难。, 但这是可行的,他在谈到平衡工作时说, 学校, 教舞蹈, 而且速度非常快.”

毕业后, Tahir will continue working and also study for his Rhode Island electrician’s license. He said he’s optimistic about the licensing test because his classes at RWU discussed many of the types of questions that will appear on the test. “The program actually helps you to be not nervous, [but] very, very confident,” 他说. 他谈到有一天会拥有自己的生意.

目前,塔希尔住在R州普罗维登斯.I., and teaches adult dance classes at AS220, a local nonprofit community arts organization. He also teaches fifth graders at a 学校 in New Bedford, Mass. “I love the kids because there’s so much to learn from them,” 他说. “They move around, they create a lot, sometimes without even knowing it. … Their movements and everything in their work is very true because they don’t really think about it. 它们会移动,看起来很美.”

On the other hand, his adult dance students often tell Tahir, “I’m not a dancer.”

我说,这不是重点. The point here is you have a lot of people around you, and it’s just about sharing energy,” 他说. “Move however you want to move; it’s not trying to copy a movement and perfect it, 不管你上了多久的课. 这是关于在课堂上分享能量.”

As Tahir furthers his career with the literal energy of electrical circuits, he will also continue to share his own positive energy with those around him.

When asked what he would tell another student considering the RWU program, 他说, “Be patient and go through it because there’s so much to learn and so much to gain from it. When you’re done with it, it really is very, very satisfying, because it’s like climbing a mountain. This is all about collecting all these hours and studying for certain hours to be able to take your state test. 坚持下去需要耐心和勇气.”
