
Master in Architecture 研究生 Creates Solutions, Builds 康涅狄格州ections

在RWU工作期间, 蕾妮·帕里(Renee Parry)参与了动手工作室项目, 研究保存方法, 并在Tecton建筑事务所担任设计师.

Renee Parry stands outside the Cummings School of Architecture sign

布里斯托尔,R.I. – 当她开始上大学的时候, Renee Parry majored in art and pictured herself in a career as an illustrator. But she soon realized that while she loved the creative nature of the art major, 她渴望从事技术含量更高的工作. 从她16岁起, Parry also had worked on construction sites with her father, 她是沙格蒂科克长大的地方附近的总承包商, N.Y. 她一边倒混凝土,一边帮忙做木工活, she said she appreciated seeing the work her father’s company did overseeing projects.

“Architecture fell directly into that happy medium between the creativity and also the technical application of construction practices, 数学, 和科学,帕里说。, who is graduating with a Master of Architecture degree and a Certificate in Preservation Practices from Roger 将iams University. “我喜欢微积分。, 我非常喜欢物理, 所以对我来说, 保持两者的平衡, 建筑实际上是快乐的媒介, where all these disciplines are combined and fall into place.”

帕里,谁拿的是B.S. in architectural design and technology from the University of Hartford, said she has applied her combination of creativity and technical skills to projects in the classroom and beyond during her time at RWU. For example, one of her first classes was the 研究生 Architectural Design Studio. Students in the class learned directly from architects in the Boston office of architectural firm Perkins & 将. She said her group worked on ideas for the revitalization of Boston’s Long Island, a city-owned island in the Boston Harbor that is the home of a number of historic sites.

“[It] opened my eyes to how much more I could do as a designer,” Parry said. “That was probably the first studio I’ve ever had throughout my entire academic career where I’ve ever been pushed beyond the bounds of what I even knew I was capable of. 太神奇了.”

RWU’s Preservation Practices program is a major part of why Parry chose the university, she said. She recognizes the tension that sometimes exists between preservation of older properties and the need for new housing, 但他说, “保护不需要阻止经济适用房. 尽管我们有这些美丽的历史遗迹, 哪些受到了很好的保护, 住房危机依然存在, 还有人需要家, 他们仍然需要住所和生活.”

在设计工作室等课程, she said she enjoyed thinking about creative ways to preserve the integrity of historic structures while still providing housing solutions.

在节目的大部分时间里, Parry also worked part-time as a designer for Tecton Architects in Hartford, 康涅狄格州. 在其他项目中, 她在根中心高级康复中心工作, 康复设施, on a memorial garden in honor of individuals who have lost their lives to substance abuse.

尽管她的日程安排很紧, Parry also served in several roles in the 研究生 Student Association, 最近作为总统, where she organized gatherings from brewery visits to career-focused events and said she enjoyed meeting students in other graduate programs.

Parry朝3方向努力,000 required hours of experience to qualify for the architecture licensing exam, she said she’s considering several options for after graduation.

She is also a recipient of the President’s Core Values Medallion and said this recognition “means a lot to me because it highlights some of a brief synopsis of who I am and what I’ve done.” In construction, a capstone is defined as “a finishing stone of a structure.“大奖章, awarded to graduating students who best exemplify the core values of the university, 是Parry在RWU时光的一个合适的顶点.
