While Interning in Washington, D.C., Student Publishes Article on Gender Apartheid in ‘Ms. Magazine’

艾玛·霍尔(Emma Hall)春季学期的实习重点是研究和撰写阿富汗和伊朗的性别种族隔离.

By Triniti Brown ’26
Emma Hall, a junior Political Science and Philosophy double major, pictured center, 与她的同事和女权主义多数基金会主席埃莉诺·斯米特在拜登恢复罗伊案竞选集会上.

WASHINGTON – 而RWU的学生则有机会在与他们的兴趣相一致的组织或政府机构实习 Washington Institute Internship Program, 没有多少人能说他们有机会在一个全国性的平台上为他们组织的事业辩护.Junior Political Science and Philosophy double major Emma Hall, who spent the spring semester interning for the Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF), did just that, publishing an essay in the prestigious Ms. Magazine on Feb. 14. 

Through a semester-long internship with the nonprofit, which is “dedicated to advocating for women's legal, social, 政治平等以及通过研究和行动打击对妇女发展的反对,霍尔研究了一系列问题和立法,以解决美国妇女面临的一些挑战.S. and globally. The Concord, N.H. 居民说,这项工作帮助她更好地了解了她所热衷的问题.

她的任务之一是为FMF网站研究和撰写一篇关于阿富汗女童和妇女权利状况的文章. Little did she expect her article – “As British Parliament Inquiries Into Gender Apartheid, Afghan Women Know All Too Well That It’s Already Here” – to appear on Ms. Magazine’s website.

In her piece, 霍尔在书中提到了性别隔离令人担忧的上升趋势——在阿富汗和伊朗,这种系统性的压迫和暴力“仅仅基于性别就蓄意侵犯妇女和女孩的权利”. 她的文章揭示了这些国家妇女面临的多方面挑战,并呼吁迫切需要国际关注和采取行动. 霍尔指出,英国议会对阿富汗和伊朗妇女权利的调查标志着朝着解决这一问题迈出了关键一步, 但她批评政府的调查缺乏将性别作为种族隔离基础的语言, not just race, which she argues would be critical in resulting movement on this issue. 她写道,“该法规未能在其独特的定义中明确规定性别, and fails to provide a definition of apartheid to its greatest scope, neglecting previous U.N. work.” Through compelling analysis and arguments, 霍尔呼吁在全球范围内持续努力打击歧视,促进性别平等.

“这是我第一次把所有人都看到的作品写出来, and it's been a really wonderful experience. It's cool to see your writing when you look up your name on the internet, 对我来说,把我写的话题放在那里让人们学习是非常重要的,” Hall said. “努力结束阿富汗的性别隔离对我来说很重要, especially that I could write on that subject.”

艾玛·霍尔(Emma Hall)和她的三位同事坐在一张桌子旁,出售粉色和黑色的女权主义t恤

In addition to writing articles, 霍尔为社交媒体制作内容,并为会议和活动制作信息材料. The FMF interns also attended Biden's Restore Row rally in Manassas, Va., where they advocated for women's rights. When not working at FMF, Hall resides in the courthouse district, a small neighborhood in Arlington, two metro stops away from D.C., and attends an internship preparation course.

在RWU, Hall有机会深入探索她在倡导和政治方面的兴趣. “I took a political theory class where we read a lot of feminist literature, which was interesting to me, and it inspired me to want to pursue this kind of work,” she said. “你总是被鼓励写一些你感兴趣的东西.”

She also has participated in RWU’s Model United Nations, 由政治与国际关系教授约瑟夫·罗伯茨领导的, whom Hall credits as a mentor who has guided her on her academic journey.

霍尔在FMF的工作使她能够在她所相信的项目上磨练自己的宣传技巧, said Roberts.

“Emma’s recent article in Ms. Magazine 是一个很好的例子,既证明了艾玛是一个多么优秀的学生,也证明了她对全球妇女正义事业的奉献精神,” Roberts said. “我也很喜欢艾玛选择写关于国际关系的文章. As a past president of the International Relations Organization, 这篇文章展示了这个学生组织在帮助学生找到自己的兴趣和发展论点方面是多么强大,这些论点可以对其他人的生活产生真正的影响.”

After completing her senior year next year, 霍尔计划毕业后继续她的工作,去法学院,成为一名律师,结束性别隔离, to use the legal system to make a change. “Being here has inspired me to stay with the movement. No matter what, I'll always be a feminist. No matter what, 我将一直与女权主义一起进步,参与到这场运动中来,参与到维护女性权益中来.”