Wall Street Investor Offers Life Lessons to School of Business Students

RWU董事会成员和捐赠者马里奥J. 加百利分享了他关于求知欲的智慧, 如何做出改变, and professional success during a Fireside Chat at the business school last week

马里奥·J. 加百利 and Michael Melton sit in chairs in the GHH atrium in front of a crowd of students, 教师, 和工作人员
马里奥·J. GAMCO Investors, 公司 .董事长兼首席执行官加百利(右). 也是RWU的董事会成员, joined RWU Professor of Finance Michael Melton (left) for a Fireside Chat event for business students on Feb. 28.

布里斯托尔,R.I. – 慈善家和投资者马里奥J. 加百利于2月6日参观了布里斯托尔校区. 28 to impart his wisdom gleaned from decades in the business world to Roger Williams University 加贝利商学院 students looking to further their academic and professional pursuits – and he delivered it with a touch of humor that had 教师 and students laughing throughout the event. 

作为在世界遗产大厅中庭举行的炉边聊天的一部分, 加百利 was joined in conversation with RWU Professor of Finance Michael Melton, founder of the Center for Advanced Financial Education (CAFE) program and the recipient of the 金融学教授, 导演, 高等金融教育中心授予教授职位 – a new endowed professorship program for business 教师 launched by a $3 million matching gift challenge from 加百利. 

周三,他向全场起立的观众发表了讲话, 加百利, GAMCO Investors董事长兼首席执行官, 公司. 也是RWU的董事会成员, 讨论了过去和当前的危机, 作为一个人,如何在商业中有所作为, and how to become a millionaire – while sharing great pieces of advice that students from all majors would benefit from hearing. 

马里奥·J. 加百利 is joined by RWU students, 教师, and administrators in the GHH atrium
马里奥·J. 加百利 is joined by RWU President Ioannis Miaoulis; Diya Das, 加贝利商学院院长; Michael Melton, Professor of Finance and Founder of the CAFE program; and students from the School of Business.

他是纽约州布朗克斯的本地人.Y.加贝利说,他是家里第一个大学毕业的人. He started his investment career at the age of 13 after working at a golf course, where he stayed late to listen to conversations from successful specialists from the New York Stock Exchange. His advice to RWU business students: “Start listening to companies’ conference calls right now,他说. He also emphasized learning anything you can from peers, professionals, and research. 加贝利说,他每天早上醒来都会阅读《网赌的十大网站》, 《网赌的十大网站》, 还有一些行业杂志, staying up to date on what's going on in the finance and business industry. 

加百利’s main objective in his presentation was to encourage students to make a difference, 同时也得到了他们的时间和生命投资的回报. 虽然我们的时间都很短,但要做的事情却很多, 他告诉学生, 不管他们在哪个学科, 他们还是有办法改变世界的. “你怎么能影响国家和世界的未来? 如果你是做金融的, 你在做市场营销, 学习如何弄清楚你的业务是如何运作的, 我们的国家是如何运作的, 这所大学的捐赠基金是如何运作的, 这个城市和罗德岛州是如何运作的, 获取这些信息并为判断提供基准,他说. 

在他的演讲中, 加百利 showed students how to look at a crisis from a business perspective, 以塑料和铅为例. In the 20th century, both materials were widely used, but today we’re working to eliminate them. Some questions that need to be asked: “Which companies are going to help do that? 他们将如何支付这笔费用?他说. “这些都是你想的事情.” 

A student asks Mario 加百利 a question during the fireside chat event
高级金融专业的rafaella Brunetti问马里奥·J. 加百利 about the biggest challenges he's had to overcome in his career during a Q&2月1日. 28.

除了在他们的社区和世界上有所作为之外, 加贝利说,他希望学生们在经济上取得成功. 成为百万富翁, 有必要减少不必要的开支, 他说, showing a photo of a Starbucks coffee cup as an example and sharing Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote: “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

学生们也有机会提问和寻求建议. 来自北普罗维登斯的金融专业大四学生拉斐尔·布鲁内蒂(Raffaella Brunetti).I., asked 加百利 what one of the biggest challenges he encountered was over the years and how he overcame it. He responded that he’s made many mistakes: “You learn to go through it and solve issues one at a time,他说. 

当老阿伦·塞拉诺, 我在纽约主修会计, 请加贝利详细说明他是如何坚持克服错误的, 加贝利说, “你会犯错误, 那么? 狗会吠叫,商队会继续前进.” 

山姆卡特, a first-year student 金融和商业管理双学位, 与马里奥·J握手. 加百利. Carter is the first recipient of the 加贝利商学院 Scholars Program.

Diya Das, 加贝利商学院院长, 活动结束, 她把萨姆·卡特叫了出来, 来自坎伯兰的一年级学生, 缅因州, 金融和商业管理双学位, who is the first recipient of the 加贝利商学院 Scholars Program. 该奖学金由马里奥J. 加百利, covers full tuition for four years and is awarded to a student based on their academic merit, 对商业领域的工作充满热情, 领导潜力. 

“I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to the 加百利 scholarship program. The scholarship not only provides financial support but also opens doors for countless opportunities for students like myself, who are very grateful for your commitment to fostering academic excellence and leadership,卡特对加贝利说.

加贝利给学生们的最后一条建议? “不要担心失败,”他说. “担心自己没有尝试成功.”