
'The SECCM capstone design experience is the culmination of our students’ education. They utilize the knowledge they have gained over their entire curriculum to address real-world, 在培养领导力的过程中遇到开放式问题, 团队合作, 沟通技巧.——院长罗伯特·格里芬

The Capstone Design Project is a fundamental element of senior year for 工程, 计算机科学, 建筑管理专业. 从8月到5月, 学生在团队中合作, 整合数学, 科学, 计算机科学, 施工管理, 并将工程原理综合起来, 基于客户端的设计项目. Student teams work with faculty advisors and industry mentors to design and fabricate solutions to open-ended problems and present their projects to experts at professional conferences and competitions.


This is what the majority of our graduates do: Work on a team to meet the needs of a client.

Students gain practical work experience by working with real clients on real projects. The process builds skills they will need  in their careers: Meeting clients, 将他们的要求转化为可行的想法, 并与团队合作设计和制造解决方案. 

Students stand with best undergraduate project certificate at NEWEA conference
高级设计团队(从右到左)Tarek Aldawalibi, 丹尼尔·佩特, 安德鲁Gaughan, 埃文的Raffi, 安娜丽斯·博伊兰(照片中没有),)与尼克·图克(学生活动委员会主席)站在一起, left) as they celebrate winning Best 本科 Student Poster at the 2019 New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) Annual Conference for their Community Based Capstone Project: A Study and Reflection on Stormwater Management Maintenance. Raffi对NEWEA的了解让他获得了毕业后的第一份工作. 


Students network with leaders in their fields of interest as they present their projects at professional conferences and competitions, 建立通往职业的关系. Our students regularly place at regional, national and international competitions and conferences. 

施工管理 students work closely with industry advisors throughout their Capstone项目, then formally present their plans to an industry panel for feedback.



Students work on projects that benefit the local community, including many that are in use at RWU.


阿什利·博斯Students find job placements through the skills they learn and industry connections they build during their Capstone项目. 

工程 Major 阿什利·博斯 '20 secured her first job as a Water Resources Engineer with 大惊小怪 & 奥尼尔, 一家土木和环境工程咨询公司, 部分原因是她的高级设计项目. 她的团队设计了一个解决方案来稳定巴林顿的侵蚀, 罗德岛州, giving her experience in environmental site assessment and permitting. 

“The Senior Design Project gave me a lot to talk about in my interview. 这给了我一种自信. 大惊小怪 & 奥尼尔在巴林顿开始了一个类似的项目, 所以我们可以反复讨论这个问题. 他们考虑了我们团队讨论过的很多想法."


计算机科学 Major Michael Patient '07 worked with a specialized system-design platform as part of his Senior Design Project, 这让他成为了SpaceX的软件工程师. 

“SpaceX招募我是基于我的LabVIEW编程经验. LabVIEW was introduced to me at RWU during my senior design project, which tied for 1st/2nd at the Water and Environmental 研究 (WERC) Consortium."

——Michael Patient '07


  • Analysis and Design of Stormwater Controls in the Pawtuxet River Watershed
  • 赛科姆实验室大厅编钟系统的设计与施工
  • Designing a Highly Adjustable ASME Competition Human Powered Vehicle for a Two Foot Rider Height Difference
  • Developing a Marketing Analytics Platform to Determine the Effectiveness of Marketing Campaigns in social media applications
  • Developing a system to teach Critical Path Method for developing a construction schedule and then Determining Approaches to Reduce Construction Times
  • 自动穿戴式脉搏血氧仪的研制
  • 邓迪溪洪水评估和缓解
  • 东湾自行车道行人天桥评估及重新设计
  • 高效可靠的DIY风力涡轮机 
  • A Game that Allows a Player to Find Their Location Based on an Unknown Route, GPS系统, 路线图, 和图片
  • 亨利·J. 冬季小学建筑
  • Keeping Nemo Alive: Design and Implementation of a System to Control EMI in Aquarium Systems 
  • 冰探测装置
  • 用于生物分子分析的低成本自动微阵列系统
  • Modernizing Software and Hardware to Determine Fluid Pressure in a Pipe System
  • 光学空气质量监测仪 
  • 披萨外卖机器人 
  • Redesigning the Built World: An Adaptive and Inclusive Playground for All Users
  • Redesign of the Timber Foundation Supporting the Palmer River Bike Bridge in Barrington, RI
  • 肖穆特设计的改造 & 建筑普罗维登斯办公空间 
  • WPI土木工程大楼的选择性翻新
  • A System that Allows a Remote Viewer to Direct Where a Presenter “Aims” Their Phone Camera
  • 退行性肌腱修复的外科器械
  • 帐篷广场设计
  • 木桥设计 
  • 无人水下航行器 
  • Using a 3D Camera System to Take Virtual Tours of Construction Projects